The climate change debate seems to be constantly on the news headlines these days. The fact is that while the federal government discusses with other countries what is the best approach to tackle the issue, dramatic climate events keep affecting people all over Canada and the world.
This issue was recently addressed by Councillor Megan Curren, from...
This Christmas season is about to begin many different events and activities that will take place on the North Shore. This year the Shipbuilders will be the epicenter of Christmas fun in North Vancouver with events and fairs happening every weekend. Also, there will be ongoing free skating at the ice rink, which we are anxiously waiting to be inaug...
On Monday morning, Victoria Park, Cates Park and other venues in North Vancouver were packed with people paying their respects for those who have died for Canada as well as those who have served the country during the Remembrance Day Ceremony. There were hundreds of families, young and old, with babies, children, teenagers, and seniors gathered sil...
Earlier this week, theReal Estate Board of Greater Vancouver (REBGV) published the latest stats of our real estate market. For the fourth consecutive month, home sales in Metro Vancouver are rising after significant declines at the start of the year.
Immediately after the announcement a flurry of headlines began announcing our housing market is on...